About project

 „Improvement of Banat Connectivity“ Project is financed within the Interreg IPA Program of cross-border cooperation Romania –Serbia, with the aim to obtain better connectivity in the border area, through the improvement of quality standards in public transport and mobility services.

One of the main preconditions for the realization of this mutual goal is the appropriate infrastructure and the institutional support. Therefore, technical documentation for traffic infrastructure in Serbia will be done within the project, then, two-way biking trail will be built between Kikinda and Nakovo (to the Romanian border), streets by the main road in Jimbolia (Romania) will be rehabilitated, and the border crossing of Nakovo (Serbia) furnished.   Besides the activities concerning the infrastructure, this project also includes the establishment of the Office for information and promotion of cross-border economic cooperation, creation of cross-border cooperation net and cross-border portal. Better conditions for improvement and expansion of economic cooperation between border municipalities will also be formed.

All considered activities have the same goal to improve the conditions for movement of people, goods and services in the cross-border area, development of border crossing in Kikinda (Nakovo-Lunga), overcoming the opinion that the border is a barrier and  promotion of better cooperation and contacts between border regions and communities.